Nathalia Primary School News!

Remembrance Day

On Friday our year 6 students attended a Remembrance Day ceremony involving all schools from Nathalia.   Our school was represented by Kloe, Femke and Ava who are our school captains with the poem In Flanders Fields.  It was a great turn out and important for our young people to recognise and acknowledge the sacrifices made by pervious generations who have served Australia at war. 

Transition Grade 6 AND Prep

Last week we had our first of 4 Prep transition sessions.  It was so great to see how keen our little preps were to start their journey into primary school.   I was so impressed at the confidence and sense of pride the children had when sharing the work from their activities when our staff came in to meet them all.  Mrs Zamitt and Ms Wilcock will be our prep teachers for 2024. 

At the same time we are also working with our grade 6 students who have been participating in a range of experiences at both of the Secondary Colleges in town.  The students are all very excited to be heading of to their next level of education although I am sure there are some nerves mixed in as well. 

First Aid

We were lucky enough to have Anita one of St Johns Ambulance staff attend school to provide our years 4-6 students with CPR and Defibrillator training.  The knowledge that our students gained will provide them with the ability to hopefully save someone’s life in the future.  A skill that all people should have, don’t you think?

Cooking and Gardening

With the warmer weather now taking place our veggie garden is really starting take off.  We have some very keen gardeners that work with Ms Knight each week to plant, weed, water and take care of our garden.   The added bonus of this is that the produce is able to be used by Ms Berni and her cooking club to make some amazing dishes.  What a wonderful way to learn about food.